Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Your Friday plans

I am presenting in the student symposium at 4:30 on Friday in Bi Hall room 311. If you are in Middlebury, Vermont, you should come. I will tell you all about the Virgin of the Burning Bush icon.
I'm concerned that I won't convey how interesting the topic is. I don't have much time to present, so a lot is cut out-- it's basically just describing the icon. I've been thinking about this all year, so I don't remember anymore whether what I'm talking about is obvious to other people, or interesting, or comprehensible, or what. I assure you here, it's very interesting and important, no matter how my talk might turn out.


abby mayer said...

I wish I could attend. But I can't. I'm sure it will be a superb presentation.

thewhitedoor: said...

i'm hitching a ride north, fingerless gloves firmly clenching my knapsack. in case i don't make it in time, or get diverted to chicago (which happens), best of luck.