Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ancient Astronaut Theories

I just read a parenthetical description of a cited website in a wikipedia article. I wish very much that this description belonged to something of my own creation:
"(mostly a site aimed at refuting various ancient astronaut theories)".

Happy Palm Sunday to all. Today in the First Congregationalist Church of Middlebury, after the usual flock of bubbly 8-year-old girls in pastel dresses flitted about handing out the palm fronds in an inefficient but picturesque manner, these two teenage boys, very broad-shouldered and scowling, one in a sort of amazing leather jacket, strode up to the front of the church with the big bunches of left-over fronds. They were supposed to put them in these vases near the foot of the alter, but, much to their embarrassment and the congregation's hilarity, they couldn't get them gathered together to fit, and they stood there at the front of the church looking more and more awkward, shoving these palm fronds into the vase. Eventually they gave up and just let them spill out everywhere, and gave fake triumphant gestures as they self-consciously swaggered back to their pews. The messy palm arrangements looked very nice, actually, and I can't imagine how they could have been improved.


Anonymous said...

you don't believe in the magdalena convergence, the once-every-3000-yr alignment of sirius and betelgeuse with the sangareal belt? insanity.

Anonymous said...

oh, i guess astronaut is not the same as astronomical. i am the worst college student.

abby mayer said...

i am glad you are posting again. i got your message this morning and liked the fact that all the grandparents are at the same retirement home. i did my laundry this morning at a laundromat/tanning salon down the street. i miss you.
