Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nov. 16 or something

My resolution only to listen to Russian music from now on was overcome by my ongoing fascination with Katya’s cd collection. So now I am listening to Coolio, featuring 40 Thevz. Man, America is so amazing. I wish I had the lyrics to this song. “Now little Timmy got his diploma and little Jimmy got life, an’ Tamika ‘round the corner just took her first hit off the pipe; the other homies shot the other homie and took off with his money, an’ when the other homies heard about it, they thought that is was funny. But who’s the dummy?” The last cd I imported was this amazing one of bell peals of famous Russian monasteries and churches. It’s just an hour of a bunch of bells ringing... there’s no tune or anything. It is so cool.

“1,2,3, Now the young get olda’
Don’t try to knock the crow off my shoulda’
‘Cause the result may be a pecking to your death
With nothing but a carcass left of your former self.”
DJ the Crow

Among the random-electronic-sounds tracks are several such gems. When I get back to America, ask to listen to some of these songs. There are many more, including a truly amazing German one I’m listening to right now.

Nov. 18 update:
Found a cd with 7 hours of Alla Pugachova (aged diva). Now very busy. There is an especially excellent song about how she is going to be friends with Anna Karenina in the next life. Oh snap, now she’s singing in English, about how “Ve haf no time for var.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Var! Good Gott, child,
Vat is it good for?
Absolutely nyeting
Sing it once more.
Karlis Kalnins