Tuesday, November 20, 2007


City of Irkutsk, I glare menacingly in your direction. I lost my flashdrive yesterday, 'lost' in this context meaning 'having it stolen by overdressed hussies in Web Ugol.' Also I still can't find green beans and I'm still sick and I didn't go to class today, though you may notice that I'm not sick enough not to go to the high-school gamers' internet cafe. Also every time I try to send an e-mail Explorer closes; I don't know whether they get sent or not. Also I have to try to make gravy tomorrow and I don't really know how. Also I'm supposed to give some horrible talk about my impressions of Russia tomorrow at some horrible conference. Also I have 3 term papers I'm supposed to be writing and I still don't understand Russian libraries. Going to look for beans again and then going home and going to bed and wishing my host family would find some activities outside the home with which to occupy themselves.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Ah. Your and Natasha's most recent posts make me very sad. I agree that the whole "let's celebrate thanksgiving" idea is sort of ridiculous because of the inability to buy correct cooking supplies. This is why i offered to bring сок to our thanksgiving gathering tomorrow.

Also, I realized recently I have never have time "alone." I mean I feel alone a lot of the time. But Margarita is always lurking somewhere about the apartment. And I can never just turn up такого как путин and dance about the apartment. Sometimes that just seems necessary. Tomorrow she is going to a birthday party for the afternoon. Perhaps I will take that opportunity for my такого как путин dancing needs.