Thursday, October 11, 2007

Trying to think if I have anything interesting to relate

Hmm. Went to the theater Tuesday night, saw a Vampilov play, "Elder Son." It was amazingly understandable, so all the Americans loved it. I think it probably would have been good even if I hadn’t been impressed with myself for knowing what was going on, but hard to say. Good as in “basically entertaining due to Shakespearean-comedy-like comedic mix-ups,” not really good as in “I am impressed by the ability of theater to capture aspects of the nature of the human experience or by the unusual talent of these actors.” After the play Adriane and I ran around looking for a bus stop for a while, then waited for a correct marshrutka or bus that was not full for a while (the fullness requirement applies only to marshrutki, it is by definition impossible for a bus to be considered full), then, because it was very cold and we were afraid marshrutki would stop running soon, we just got on one going to a stop sort of near where we live, and then we had a sort of long walk/run through the beginning of a snowfall home. It was fun, really, I thought.
Wednesday tried to get books from the history department library, failed miserably, walked around looking at people’s boots until the mainstream started, went to mainstream and heard about lots of people named Ivan, then went to dinner with the whole group and Nana, the head Middlebury director in Moscow. ‘Twas good, and I had ‘fish under a hat,’ which is exciting because that’s what the people in the instructional video we watched in summer school made for their grandmother’s birthday. Further excitement resulted from the fact that Adriane and I found a marshrutka that actaully went to our stop.
Today in History of Siberia we looked at lots of charts of the hunting and fishing traps of western Siberian tribes. They are good at thinking up clever traps, those western Siberians. It was a pretty awesome class. In Baikal studies we learned that Old Believer women were cooler than their Buryat counterparts because an Old Believer woman had prepared lunch already by the time the Buryat woman finally got out of bed. Well.

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