Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Quantum Jumping-- The Inter-dimensional Quest for a Better You

Look, all my problems are solved!

Also, I'm going to Tomsk from June 1- August 7. Actually I think I'm in Washington for orientation June 1 and 2. I remember Tomsk from Siberian History textbooks-- it is a little picture of a wooden fort.


thewhitedoor: said...

What will you be doing in Tomsk? Exciting.

SusannaMMMerrill said...

"State Department Critical Language Scholarship." I think that means I take classes much like the ones we had in Irktusk, but without Baikalovedinya, or Baikal.
Also, I notice by clicking on your user-name that you're using your blog again. That was a lot of Nabokov to read in a short period of time.

thewhitedoor: said...

yeah, after reading 11 nabokov novels in a few months' time, i came to sort of hate the man, but i've since gotten over that. the blog i'm just using lackadaisically to record whatever i've been reading - my immediate reactions, more for myself than anyone.

i'd like to keep hearing about what you get up to in russia, and life generally.