Thursday, April 23, 2009


Everyone (meaning the like 2 people who read this, but tell your friends) should go re-read Anna Karenina immediately. I never understand why serious Russian literary scholars all seem to hate it. Spite them, and go delight in the... I can't even find words to describe how good it is. I don't even care that much about the over-all plot, there are just so many perfect scenes.


Mama said...

I am always happy when I turn to your blog and find a new entry.

And. That Becker guy may be smart, but I'll bet he doesn't know any math.

dvdprkr said...

yeah i read it in english in russia
i really felt for levin but was let down with his conversion, because i wanted to find something for myself there

as for anna i found myself losing sympathy for her with every 200 pages, but i think that is because of my character