Thursday, December 13, 2007

Literary Theory (Dec. 12)

Yesterday I decided that it would be a good idea to make a BTL, but the only one of those ingredients we had was T. The place of L was taken by cabbage, and the place of B by Jolly Milkman speadable cheese with little pieces of bacon in it. It was, as a culinary venture... well, better than the time I tried to eat the raw onion. But cabbage is not meant to be put on sandwiches.

evening edit, not having posted this yet due to technical difficulties:

I went downtown to the ABC Language School today to observe an English class, sort of training for my future employment there. And I was going to relate some amusing episodes from the class. But then I came home and helped Katya with her English homework, and all other English-related anecdotes were driven from my mind.

We’re reading this same social-economic theory articles, or course, and there was some discussion of dead-end jobs. I asked Katya if she knew what ‘dead-end’ meant. She said yes, like there are happy ends and dead ends. Happy ends are like in Cinderella, and dead ends are like in Romeo and Juliet.

I just discovered that I have an atlas on my computer that tells me how far cities are apart from each other. I realize that most of you can just look this up on the computer, but I am now delighted when I find something to do on the computer without internet. Anyway, I now know that it is 6,100.8 miles between Frederick, Maryland, USA and Irkutsk, Russia. And 5,781.8 miles between Middlebury, Vermont, USA and Irkutsk, Russia. I’m mostly impressed that Middlebury made it to the world atlas. San Francisco is a mere 5611.4 miles from Irkutsk.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Do you actually call it a BTL and not a BLT? Because you are a loon.