Friday, November 30, 2007


I am once again unable to answer my e-mail, so don't be mad at me, people who are e-mailing me. I am about to lamely use my blog for the purpose of answering some e-mails and such.
Mother- sure, call Thursday, I turn in 1 paper on Wednesday and 2 more on Thursday, so I will probably be less stressed out by then.
Laurel and Abby- yes, of course I meant Helsinki. Also Ivan says we can take the Ferry to Estonia or something and it's only an hour. Abby- Elizabeth says she will be on the train from Kazan to Irkutsk on the 10th, until I remembered wrong and she said the 9th, and she wonders if we would like to take the same train. I think Kazan is a night away from Moscow. Also Kazan sounds awesome. Laurel, put some socks on immediately.
If you are a person advising me to start my papers early, thanks, I'm starting them as early as possible, meaning right now, and it's not early enough, that's for sure. AGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGH!

I am writing more normal blog posts, mainly as procrastination from paper-writting, but I don't have a flashdrive, so too bad for you, reading public.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

thanks susanna, i'll think about it