Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I did not shoot no deputy

Here are some random things that I have to say. They are all about as boring as the rest of this blog has been.

I'm not nearly as worried about finals and papers and whatnot as I should be. In fact, I'm not worried about them at all, nor am I working to do well on them. I'm just sitting around being lethargic. And I'm not counting down to the end of the school year, as I have every other year of my life, either. I think maybe the knowledge that I will be right back for frantic Russian study is making the end of the year seek sort of fake. I don't even know when my exams are.

I think I really scared little Wyatt at the preschool today when the Superman Shiny Silver Jet was flying over Egypt and I suggested we see the pyramids and I then explained what they were. I guess it is rather creepy.

I'm NOT running the 4x800 on Saturday, so I do NOT have to go to practice for the rest of the week. Yay. No more racing for a very long time- I guess I'll see whether I miss it. It's possible that I'm done forever- I don't know.

Two hour Русский Хор practice tonight. It became very apparent that I know none of the music and am a very bad singer. Oh well. Too bad everyone I know will be there. I was especially alarmed to see that Maria Hatjigeorgiou had the concert date written on her calendar- I had a bad feeling that this will all turn into a post-concert lecture about Orthodox liturgy. Speaking of Hatjig, I was rather freaked out by her description yesterday of the final paper I am to be writing, as it involves all sorts of things I don't really know anything about. I was even more alarmed by her lengthy suggestions of research topics in Russia, as they are totally unfeasable. And I didn't really know what she was talking about. So that's good. I don't think she understands that Siberia is in the middle of nowhere rather than an easy train ride away from St. Petersburg museums.

After Russian Choir we went to Proctor, where I was alarmed to see some winged insect crawl out of my salad. When I drew my choir-members' attention to it everyone was a mixture of amuzed and grossed out except for Anya, the wife of the Russian TA, who immediately said, "О, это добрый" and scooped it up and carried it outside. It was very sweet, I thought.

1 comment:

Abby said...

я люблю Аню!!!